Thursday, March 17, 2011

Well hello there

My inaugural blog post. On a day where the blogs I read to make it through the morning and afternoon just haven't posted anything. Makes sense in a poetic sort of way.

This is a good time to start a blog, because things are going to get interesting around here very soon (and not just because it's St. Patricks Day!) For one, we're getting close to Spring -we just sprang ahead with Daylight Savings Time, and while I dearly miss that extra hour of sleeping, I do love leaving my office when it's light outside. My whole perspective changes! We start eating dinner outside (or at least in March and April cooking it outside and eating it inside). Chris and I start our walkabouts throughout Cambridge, Somerville, Boston, and beyond (you'll get to see all of those). Speaking of Chris, we're getting married in June. And don't even get me started on Cotuit in the summertime. All of this to say that things get a whole lot more fun around here when it gets warm.

I hope you'll check back in tomorrow!